Friday, January 8, 2010

Include multiple participants in a BlackBerry Messenger

Include multiple participants in a BlackBerry Messenger

BlackBerry Messenger is a new software release directly from RIM. It transforms PIN-to-PIN messaging into an easy Instant Messaging interface like MSN or AIM. One of the features is the ability to ‘conference’, a conference is a conversation that includes more than two participants. To include multiple participants in a BlackBerry Messenger conference, start a conversation with one contact. At any time during the conversation, you can invite other contacts.
To start a BlackBerry Messenger conversation
1. On the handheld Home screen, click BlackBerry Messenger.
2. From your Contact List, select a contact.
3. Click the trackwheel and select Start Conversation. The conversation opens with the first contact.
To invite other contacts to the conversation
1. With the conversation open, click the trackwheel and select Invite.
2. Choose another contact by entering the contact’s name in the text field or by selecting the name from the Contacts list.
3. Click OK. From this point forward, messages are sent to all participants in the conversation. Participants do not receive messages sent before they were invited to the conversation.
4. To invite more contacts to the conversation, repeat steps one through three.
To download Blackberry Messenger visit: * Will only work in Internet Explorer.